extra 4

Trying to create a connected font.

I am using Helvetica as a start so I don't have to create the entire set glyph from scratch.

In the beginning I created ligatures for as many character combinations as I could, but it was clearly not an effect way of going about this project.

In this version I am using #enter and #exit anchors with automatic alignment.
Only issue is, these were developed for arabic scripts that not only almost always connect, but also read right to left.
Because of this, the text that reads "commitment" is actually written here in the HTML as "tnemtimmoc."
Each character has an Initial (.init), Medial (.medi), Final (.fina), and an Isolated (.isol) form.
In theory each should be desplayed based on it's location in a string of characters. Whether it is the first or last character, it's inbetween two characters, or if it's alone.
This works in Glyphs3, but here on the internet I had to apply the "-webkit-font-feature-settings: "medi" 1;" to them all and haven't figure out how to get them to change independantly.

More will come...
I am relentless!
I will win this!

I have experimented with smart components and I believe they hold the answeres to the final version of this font.
Those and additional versions of .init, .medi, .fina, .isol character forms.
