Trying to create a color font.
If nothing shows up, open in safari.
What shows up is the Apple color font version.
This is my third iteration, I started by making an SVG color font, and then I tried to make a layered color font.
Neither of them are ready yet because they had too much geometry (too many nodes in a single glyph) so I am currently working on simplifying it.
This iteration on the right is a mishmash of two techniques:
This "font" is composed of two seperate layers; the sbix layer, with a PNG of the blason scaled and positioned over the "U."
And the regular vector glyph layer beneath it.
The layers had to be exported as seperate fonts sadly.
So here in the HTML it's two text boxes, each with the seperate font layers, and both with the same positioning.
I enjoy wine. I don't know much about wine though, so I just buy the wine with the best label.
A foolproof method to buying wine. It turns out to be great wine 99.8% of the time.
Gueule de Loup was one such wine that passed my scrupulous selection process.
The golden blason placed on the simple type seemed like a fun challenge to attempt to replicate as a color font experiment.